What is Career Counseling?

Career Counseling is the process of guidance given to students to make a successful transition from school to higher education and finally into the workforce. The process involves exploring different careers, knowing the different pathways to careers, opportunities available, earning levels, and the time period required. Further it involves knowing one’s strengths and interest, matchmaking one’s own potential to the world of careers and then selecting the right courses and colleges, the process to apply and finally the ways to finance his/her education. Dream Big would will guide you through more than 550 plus Career options to choose from. We at Dream Big can clarify your doubts on various career options and their scope. Our services also will help you scuffle through the top colleges to make the right career choice. Once you start your association with us, we promise to hand hold you till your dream destination.

How is Career Counselling done?

Career counselling services are provided by a highly experienced and qualified professional. Career counselors guide students in building awareness about various careers, make an unbiased evaluation, by means of interaction with the student as well as the parents, evaluate the students’ psychometric assessment and guide in making an informed decision. Dream Big charters it’s career guidance on three key main steps:

What are the different streams I can choose after 10th?

After 10th, a student can choose one of the three main streams i.e. Science, Commerce and Humanities/Arts. Each of these streams have different future prospects and career options. If you are a student who has just completed class 10th, then it is imperative to get yourself acquainted with the scope of all the major streams and define your career path right from the beginning. Imagine selecting a stream without prior knowledge of its scope only to regret later and pursue a career you dislike! This is a common occurrence in real life! This has taken place with a lot of students who just went with any stream and landed into an undesirable career field. Not only does Dream Big counsellor give you valuable advice, but also provide enough guidance to let you choose the right career for you.

Why is Career Counselling important?

Who all needs Career Counselling?

Career planning is a requirement of each student of 9 th Std or above. Even if you are fully sure which stream you want to take, a good Career Counselor will bring out the hidden strengths and talents in you and show you much more than what you had imagined for your future. The whole process is more inclusive and an eye opener. Dream Big counsellors are well qualified to get you prepared for your future endeavours.

Who will take my counselling sessions?

Your sessions will be taken by India’s top Career Coach Col (Dr) Delin Mathew, an Army Veteran, with two separate certifications in Career Counseling, also a domain expert certified from Harvard, Yale, John Hopkins Universities who is also one of the best Child Psychologists.

How can I schedule my session?

You can either send a message through this website or call us on 9449053600

How should I prepare for the session?

There is absolutely no preparations required for the Career Counseling sessions. Just relax and present yourself.

What documents do I need for a counselling session?

You do not need to get any documents for this.

Can my parents join my session?

All the sessions are generally done in the presence of the parents. The Psychometric assessment is supposed to be done alone by the child without the help of anyone.

Do I need to travel anywhere for my session? If not, how will my session be conducted?

The entire process of Career Counseling is generally conducted online with the help of a computer/ laptop /tab / mobile. A video meeting is fixed, and the entire process is done through the video call. The child can sit in the comfort of his/her home with parents and undergo the career counselling process face to face with me from any part of the world if he/she has a mobile/laptop with internet connection. It can also be done through WhatsApp or Skype call. In case the online facility does not exist, it can be conducted as a paper and pen test.

How much does the session cost and how can I pay for it?

There are different packages as per the requirement of the students. Hence please call to know our pricing information. Payment is collected only after all the sessions are over and only if the client is fully satisfied.

Where can I access my documents / feedback post my session?

On registering, you will have your own login id and password to the website. You can read your 17 Pages Psychometric Assessment Report there.

How can Dream Big team help with Career Guidance?

Understanding yourself is a critical aspect of career selection. The more you know about your career related interests, values, skills, personality type and preferences, the better equipped you will be to identify the career fields, major areas of study, training programs, and education pathways that are compatible with your personal attributes. The Dream Big system will help you develop an accurate self- assessment of your personal qualities.
We help you identify your interests, which are a reflection of the kinds of work related activities and tasks you most enjoy doing. We identify your Aptitudes which are a reflection of your talents and the types of things you easily learn and perform well. Your Personality Type is a description of how you react to certain situations and people, how you make decisions, how you organize information and go about solving problems. We help you identify all these.

What is the role of parents in the career decision making process of their children?

Parents are the first mentors of children before they are mature enough to make career-based decisions. Thus, they put in their best foot forward in making decisive career changes in the lives of their wards. Also, certain determining decisions cannot be taken by applicants of younger age and hence, parents have a major role there. In Indian academic scenario, parents feel they have a big role in determining the lives of their children. This goes to the extent that sometimes they impose their decisions onto their wards. Till the scenario changes and children become smart enough to be able to deterministically determine and make career decision, parents will remain inevitable part. It is advisable that children present themselves for the guidance session along with both or at least one of the parents.

What makes Dream Big unique?

Dream Big includes personality, interests, skills and aptitude factors in one assessment, making it one of the most comprehensive assessments available.

After assessment, will Dream Big get me a job also?

No. We strictly do not promote any job recruitments. However, Dream Big will help you determine the best type of occupation to pursue and give you directions on how to proceed in your job search. It will identify the area's you should pursue and make it clear which areas you should avoid

What happens in the sessions?


The first session would be around one hour which would be the introductory session. In this, the family background, aspiration of the family as well as that of the child, academic scores of the past few exams, specific interests, hobbies, participation in sports and co- curricular activities, social activities etc. are all taken as input so that these are kept in mind while deciding the future course of action. In this session, the process of Career Counseling is explained to the parents and the child.

Most widely discussed topics include:
  • Evaluation of a candidate’s profile
  • Likes, dislikes and family background
  • Favourite/ neutral/ hate subjects
  • Previous scores
  • Outdoor activities
  • Socio- economic factors
  • Dreams, aspirations of the student
  • Aspirations of the parents
  • Career / job-specific advice
  • Advice on extra-curricular activities
  • Summer programs / advanced courses
  • Advice on building an academic profile
  • Preparations in case planning to study abroad


After this introductory session, the student takes the Psychometric Test. The test consists of a few simple situational questions, questions on verbal, logical and numerical reasoning to gauge his/her aptitude, and a few other questions to find out personality type, interests and additional strength and challenges. The Psychometric Test is based on the Cattel Horn Carrol Theory for the aptitudes, Big Five Theory for personality and RIASEC Theory for individual interests. The time taken to complete the test is 90 minutes. On completion of this test, a 17 pages analysis report is generated. The Psychometric Assessment will suggest 10 most suitable career options for each student.


The next session will be around one hour and in this, the first discussion will be on the Psychometric assessment report generated. My modus operandi is to incorporate the aspirations of parents and the child, the inputs from Psychometric Assessment, keep in mind the various inputs taken in the first session and then work out the two best career paths for the student. Information for the institutions to be selected, entrance tests to be taken, scholarships available for higher studies, coaching system and preparations in case planning to go abroad are discussed. Once this session is over, the student’s personalized career portal will assist them in updating themselves on the chosen career path.

Is there any follow-up provided?

After around four months, one session is conducted with the student to ensure that he/she is using the career guidance website regularly. A specific discussion is initiated on the academic and other progress of the child. After exactly one year again, another video call is initiated to guage and discuss the performance of the child after Career Counseling sessions and also to motivate the child to do his/her best to achieve the goal.

What is the student dashboard given to every student after Career Counseling?

The Student’s Dashboard
The dashboard of the career counselling website I offer to the counselee, has all the possible information under the sky. It throws up more than 550 plus career options to choose from, information about more than 6400 colleges in India and abroad, with more than 2 lac courses in 14 countries. Information of more than 1000 plus entrance exams conducted in India and overseas and information about more than 936 scholarships and fellowship schemes are mapped with this dashboard. All these facilities are part of the package. Every child is given their own login id and password to this website

Any other benefits in these sessions?

Yes. Being a Child Psychologist, I also take on the additional responsibility of counselling and motivating the child and handholding him/her till they reach the target destination. A detailed analysis is done regarding the smart phone usage of the child. In case it is noticed that the child is over using gadgets or addicted to gadgets, counseling sessions are conducted to extricate the child from the smart phone addiction.

How long is the association?

Once the student takes career counseling with us, hand holding is done till the child enters graduation programs.